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Graphic Concrete ist ein führender Hersteller von papierbasierten Verzögererpapieren für die Betonvorfertigung. Durch lokale Vertretung und Partnerschaften liefern wir Graphic Concrete-Lösungen weltweit. 


Sampo Itäaho

Sampo Itäaho

Director of Sales

+358 (0)40 500 1452
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Susanna Jakobsson

Susanna Jakobsson

Production Manager

+358 (0)44 070 7411
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Reetta Lukka

Reetta Lukka

Consulting Designer

+358 (0)41 444 1676
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Bang Lee

Bang Lee

Communications&Marketing Specialist

+358 (0)44 296 3690
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Göran Andréasson

Göran Andréasson

Country Operations Manager

+46 (0)735 288 028
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Lotta Brettmark

Lotta Brettmark

Country Operations Manager

+46 (0)725 662 226
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Henry Stevenius

Henry Stevenius

Country Operations Manager

+45 5033 0076
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Eric Linotte

Eric Linotte


+33 (0)613 926 239
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Jordi Bergadà

Jordi Bergadà

Arkengint S.L.

+34 (0)670 886 945
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Steven Gelderman

Steven Gelderman

Paul Molloy

Paul Molloy

United Kingdom, Ireland
Vico (Visual Concrete)

+44 (0)7825 152 312
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Iveta Heczková

Iveta Heczková

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania & Hungary
Design Focus Partner s.r.o.

+420 (0)724 888 718
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Lyuta Tanaka

Lyuta Tanaka

BEVEL Corporation

+81 (0)90 6304 8899 
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Mo Zak

Mo Zak

The Middle East
Versatile Business Development Company
+971 (0)506 316 338
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Jeffrey Pellerin

Chris Synen

Australia & New Zealand
Reid Construction Systems

+61 (0)417 049 408
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In USA and Canada we collaborate with the AltusGroup:

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